Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Visual Management

opening shot of a messy factory or office space

Narrator: "Welcome to our training on 5S visual management. As you can see, this work area is cluttered and disorganized. But with the 5S system, we can transform it into a clean, efficient, and safe environment."

Cut to animation or footage of the 5S process in action

Narrator: "The 5S system is made up of five steps: Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain.

First, we Sort. This step involves identifying and eliminating items in the work area that are not necessary for the current work process. This includes items that are not used, outdated, or in poor condition.

Next, we Set in Order. This step involves organizing the remaining items in the work area so that they are easily accessible and easy to find. This includes labeling items, creating storage systems, and establishing clear pathways for movement.

Then, we Shine. This step involves cleaning and maintaining the work area, including equipment and tools. This includes regular cleaning schedules, as well as daily cleaning tasks such as wiping down surfaces and taking out trash.

After that, we Standardize. This step involves creating procedures and processes for maintaining the organization and cleanliness of the work area. This includes creating checklists, schedules, and guidelines for maintaining the work area.

Finally, we Sustain. This step involves maintaining and continuously improving the work area through regular audits and reviews. This includes monitoring the work area, identifying areas for improvement, and making changes to the processes and procedures established in the previous steps.

Cut to footage of a clean and organized factory or office space

Narrator: "As you can see, the 5S system has transformed this work area into a clean, efficient, and safe environment. But it's important to remember that the 5S system requires a team effort to maintain the organization and cleanliness of the work area. Regular training on the 5S system, as well as regular communication and feedback, is essential for the success of the system."

Closing shot with company logo and contact information.

Narrator: "Thank you for watching our training on 5S visual management. If you have any questions or would like to implement the 5S system in your work area, please contact us at [insert contact information].

Friday, February 09, 2007

A character in shadow who strives for a better war scenario in his life..

That recalls me first time I have read about movie star Buster Keaton. A man who is paid for not smiling even out of the studio. Maybe he has gone through a sad life.. Not smiling even in real life? Well this is too difficult.. But he did it.. Even though I searched whole internet I could not find any picture of him at a moment of smiling.. Strange..

Then another scenario starts to play in my mind.. Devil's advocate.. Well this is also a good movie.. Strange things may happen when humans forget to smile and the ugliest things they ever do are showing off their real faces that they kept behind masks.. Maybe I will witness that kind of thing.. Maybe not.. Being grown up day by day; this is a really weird flavour that you taste everyday..

Saturday, November 18, 2006

I know life is sometimes a crap.. I know everything turns around is a messy stinky bullshit.. I know that I will never have a chance to have a sex with some beauty :) .. Well those are the hard to believe facts of life..

but you know what? nothing is easy.. the word "easy" is not valid in the lives of grown ups..

good point of view.. but there are two sides of medallion.. the other side you wonder?? well..

one day I will stand by seaside.. my feet are digged in the sand. the waves will flush the sand and uncover my feet.. life is something like that I guess..

there are endless abysses that I will go to the bottom.. but like the insistent waves something will uncover my faults and feelings.. it will take me out of abyss again.. for infinite numbers of time this will happen..

maybe you call it luck.. but I call it eternal sunshine of spotless mind..

Just wanted to share with someone..

Friday, March 10, 2006

New Life-060311

I think I am a lucky guy.. Long ago I expressed my feelings here.. It has been almost a year.. Things changed.. I quit my job.. Decided to continue my education..

Now I am in Berlin.. Capital of Germany.. When I think of it, I even could not believe myself.. Good performance.. Anyway.. I feel living now.. There are some problems tough.. But isn't it life itself?

It has been more than 4 months since I came here.. Everyday learning new things not only in university but also here in Berlin too..

I understood that sometimes I am pushing it too hard. But life is not so hard as it seems.. Only thing makes it hard is exaggeration of self feelings..

I am testing my self dependency here.. And first results are good:) I can survive myself!! It is related with doing one thing from heart, and believing it tough.. It is like a theory of Pinnochio: "If you fake the funk, your nose will grow." But if you try not to be fake, your flavour becomes tasty and sharp..

Saturday, April 16, 2005


there goes my life without any change.. routine is the other name of me... nothing changes... weeks pass like days since a few months.. time speeds up so much.. am I the only guy who realise that?

something is weird... a few days ago (in another sense of week) I talked to my mum about it.. time moves so fast I barely catch it.. but I said `waiting kills me.. I am fed up with this kinda job.. it has been so long that I am in the business of R&D.. for four years.. it comes to me too long...`

mum said `you say ~~so long~~ to four years? look at me.. I am married to that guy for 35 years...`

wow!! what to say? wow!!

time passes to fast..

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


it has been a long time since I entered and split out my feelings allaround in this site.. Recently I controlled whether my blogs have any posts or messages.. and guess what.. One of them has..

She only wrote "better to write your blogs in English" than that is the way it works I think.. Well.. Here is what she demanded..

how to begin, what to write:



Thursday, February 10, 2005


Bismark'ın kanunlar üzerine söylediği bir söz var: "Kanunlar sosis gibidirler. Onları yapılırken görmek iyi değildir."

Hayatım boyu tanıştığım birlikte olduğum insanlar bana birşeyler öğrettiler.. Ben de onlara tabi ki.. Hangi taraf ne kadar fazla öğrendi, hangi taraf daha az öğretti tartışılır fakat bunca deneyimin sonucu olarak bir harita çiziliyor kalbinize.. Her haritadaki gibi bunda da sınırlar var... Kimi bölgeler daralıyor, kimileri genişliyor.. Bu haritayı çizmeye başlarken hiç sınır yoktu.. Fakat uçlarında gezindiğimiz topraklarda kendimizi ne kadar mutlu hissediyorsak o kadar genişliyor bu sınırlar.. Aksi halde daralıyor.. Tıpkı şu Fantastic Role Play oyunlarındaki gibi bütün haritayı göremiyorsunuz.. İlerlediğiniz vakit etraf belirginleşiyor.. Gerilediğinizde ise karanlıklar hakim oluyor hayatınıza..

Gözde'yi gün geçtikçe unutuyorum.. Bu gece mesaj yollamak istedim.. Fakat numara aklıma gelmedi.. Aklımdan çıkarmak istemiyorum fakat istemeden oluyor.. Ona dair herşeyi evin biryerlerine gizledim.. Numaralarını sildim.. Kötü şeyler olduğu gibi güzel şeyler de yaşadım.. Onunla iken beni karamsar olarak nitelemesini şuna bağlıyorum; Onu kaybetmemek için devamlı düşünüyordum.. Ne yapmam gerektiğini.. Düşünmek yoruyor insanı ve uyutmuyor.. 4 ay boyunca çok az rahat uyuyabildim.. Herşey bitti..

Tufan'ın ağzından ilginç bir söz duymuştum bir zamanlar.. "Arkadaşlar hep senin iyiliğini isterler.. Peki ya sen kendi kötülüğünü istersen? İnsan kendi kötülüğünü de isteyebilir pekala.." Tabi bu kadar edebi çıkmamıştı bu sözler onun ağzından.. Ben bu hale getirdim:)

Neyse diyorum ki ya ben o zamanlar kendi kötülüğümü isteyip bırakmasaydım sevmeyi? Şuan halim niceydi kimbilir? Kanun koymayı pek sevmiyorum... Fakat o kadar kötü şeyler yaşadım ki kanunlar olmadan olmuyor.. Yoksa çok acıtıyor hayat..

Neyse yeni bir hayata başlayacağım çok kısa bir süre sonra.. Neler olacak çok merak ediyorum.. Bakalım daha hangi kanunları koyup hangilerini kaldıracağım?